AI’s Role in Creative Jobs: A Perspective from OpenAI’s CTO

OpenAI’s CTO, Mira Murati shared her views on the impact of AI on creative professions. During a talk at Dartmouth University, she suggested that if AI does replace some creative jobs, those jobs were perhaps always replaceable. She sees AI as a collaborative tool, especially in the creative spaces, and believes that using it for education and creativity will expand our intelligence.

Murati also spoke at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, where she predicted a future of collaboration between humans and AI. She believes AI will largely become a tool for continued human work. Since the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, there have been fears that generative AI could eliminate jobs across various industries. However, Murati sees potential benefits too. AI could create some jobs and reduce the time it takes to do certain tedious tasks. If AI’s outputs are lackluster or generic, humans will still be needed to recreate or fix AI-generated work.

From a legal standpoint, AI outputs may not be a great solution for a final product as they may not be protected by existing copyright laws in the US. This means companies might use AI as a brainstorming tool or jumping-off point, but ultimately opt for unique, human-created outputs for their final products.

It’s not just creatives who could be at risk. Some tech firms, like Google and Intel, have reportedly made plans to replace some human staff with automated AI tools. Software engineers and cybersecurity workers could also lose jobs thanks to AI as startups like Cognition Labs are accused of coding their own replacements into existence.

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