Threads API Now Available for Developers

Meta has officially launched its API for Threads, enabling developers to build unique experiences around it. The announcement was made by Mark Zuckerberg and Instagram head Adam Mosseri. The API allows developers to publish posts, fetch their own content, and deploy reply management tools. This means developers can let users hide/unhide or respond to specific replies.

The Threads API was first mentioned in October 2023 by Mosseri and was launched in a closed beta with partners such as Sprinklr, Sprout Social, Social News Desk, Hootsuite, and Techmeme. The company has now delivered on its promise to make the API widely available to developers in June 2024. Along with these features, the API will also allow developers to tap into analytics with measurements such as the number of views, likes, replies, reposts, and quotes at the media and account levels.

This move is expected to help businesses and creators manage their Threads presence at scale. With Threads integrating with the fediverse and releasing an API, it gives a chance to third-party developers to build some great social media experiences. This is particularly significant as Threads is the biggest new social network with more than 150 million users. The company has also released a reference open-source app on GitHub for developers to experiment with.

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