Framework Laptop 13: A Leap Towards RISC-V Architecture

Framework has announced that its Framework Laptop 13 is set to become one of the first laptops globally to adopt the RISC-V architecture processor. This collaboration was achieved with DeepComputing, the pioneer of the first RISC-V laptops.

DeepComputing has designed a motherboard compatible with Framework’s 13-inch laptop and Cooler Master’s mini desktop case. Although the RISC-V architecture currently cannot match the performance and features of Intel and AMD processors, its open-source nature brings new possibilities to the computer industry.

Framework has cautioned that this motherboard is primarily aimed at developers, enthusiasts, and explorers to test and develop the RISC-V platform. The motherboard’s memory is soldered in place, and storage relies on MicroSD cards and eMMC, reflecting the limitations of the current processor.

Despite these limitations, this step signifies increased competition in the chip market, especially in an era that no longer overly relies on traditional x86 architecture and native Windows applications. With the rise of Steam Deck, Apple Silicon, and numerous Arm-driven Windows laptops, non-native platforms have proven to be competitive.

Interestingly, RISC-V chips have been widely used in embedded and server applications, and even the fingerprint recognizer in the Framework Laptop 13 contains a RISC-V chip. Currently, the Framework RISC-V motherboard is still in the early stages of development, and the specific release date and price have not been announced. Interested users can register to receive the latest updated information.

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