Tim Cook Discusses Apple AI Future and Privacy

In an interview with the Washington Post, Apple CEO Tim Cook discussed the company’s approach to artificial intelligence (AI) and its newly unveiled AI system, Apple Intelligence. Cook emphasized the immediate benefits of AI for Apple customers, stating that it will make things more efficient and save time.

Cook highlighted improvements to Siri, explaining that users can now have more complex interactions with the virtual assistant, streamlining tasks that previously required multiple requests. He also stressed that privacy is a fundamental human right and that Apple has focused on ensuring AI technology remains private and secure for users.

When asked about the possibility of Apple Intelligence creating hallucinations or false information, Cook admitted that while they have done everything they know to ensure high quality, it’s not 100 percent guaranteed. He emphasized that Apple is committed to being thoughtful in the space, acknowledging the potential risks associated with AI systems.

Read more: www.washingtonpost.com