How to Free up Storage on Your iPhone or iPad

Are you constantly battling with storage space on your iPhone or iPad? Here’s a guide to help you declutter and free up space on your device.

The first step is to check your storage usage. You can do this by navigating to Settings > General > iPhone Storage or iPad Storage. This will give you a detailed breakdown of what’s consuming space on your device. You’ll see a list of apps ranked by how much storage they’re using. Selecting an app from the list will show you the usage broken down by the size of the app and the documents and data associated with it.

One of the biggest culprits of storage usage is System Data. This category includes system and app caches, Siri voices, voice memos, settings preferences, and more. It’s like the junk drawer in your house—a place for things that don’t neatly fit into other categories. Unfortunately, there’s no direct way to clear the System Data category.

Clearing the cache on your iPhone or iPad can be a bit tricky as there’s no easy option to clear the system cache or app cache. You can clear the cache of the browser you use—Safari, Chrome, Edge, etc—hope an app includes an option to clear the cache or uninstall/reinstall an app to reset the cache. Clearing the browser cache is the easiest of the three solutions.

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