Google Chrome Introduces Minimized Custom Tabs for Picture in Picture

Google Chrome is introducing a new feature called “Minimized Custom Tabs” that will enhance the user experience by allowing users to move between a native app and their web content with just a tap. This feature transforms the Custom Tab into a small, picture-in-picture window that floats above the native app content, making the transition to the web experience feel more natural and more like you’re still inside the native app.

Custom Tabs are a feature in Android browsers that allow app developers to add a customized browser experience directly in their app. Instead of opening the user’s browser or a WebView, Custom Tabs let users remain in their app while browsing. This can increase app engagement and reduce the risk of users leaving the app and not returning.

When minimized to the picture-in-picture window, the Custom Tab can be docked off to the side of the screen. When the page is maximized, the user can tap on a down arrow to shrink it to the picture-in-picture window again. This change is rolling out in the latest version of Chrome (M124) and will be automatically applied anywhere developers are already using Chrome’s Custom Tabs.

Google hopes other browser makers will adopt similar functionality, enhancing the overall user experience across different platforms.

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