Atlantic and Vox Media Sign Licensing and Product Deals with OpenAI

The Atlantic and Vox Media have signed separate licensing and product deals with OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT. These deals allow OpenAI to license the publishers’ archived content to train its AI models. The Atlantic has been publishing content since 1857, and Vox Media is home to more than a dozen major internet content brands.

Both agreements also allow OpenAI to tap into the respective publishers’ current content to fuel responses to user queries in OpenAI products, including ChatGPT. OpenAI will include citations to their work when it’s referenced in response to a user query and will link out to the relevant article.

The Atlantic will also work with OpenAI to help shape how news is surfaced and presented in any future real-time discovery products from OpenAI. The Atlantic’s product team will get access to OpenAI’s technology for a new experimental effort called Atlantic Labs. Through Atlantic Labs, The Atlantic will experiment with developing new AI-driven products and features.

Vox Media will leverage OpenAI’s technology to build internal and audience-facing capabilities and products. Internally, Vox will leverage OpenAI’s tech for its first-party data platform, Forte, to bolster advertising creative optimization and audience targeting capabilities. Externally, Vox plans to use OpenAI’s technology to support content discovery and recommendations on its websites.

These deals give OpenAI added momentum in its quest for credible content to train its algorithms and inform its chatbots. They could also protect the Microsoft-backed company further from future copyright liability.

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