Nvidia’s AI Supremacy Challenges Intel and AMD

Nvidia’s dominance in the AI market has left Intel and AMD vying for the second position. The tech giant Nvidia has been leading the AI market, thanks to its high-performance GPUs that are extensively used in AI applications.

Intel, known for its CPUs, has been focusing on AI chips and has recently unveiled a working version of Gaudi 3, a chip aimed at rivaling Nvidia in the data center AI market.

On the other hand, AMD has launched a new AI chip, the MI300X, which is designed to disrupt Nvidia’s long-standing dominance. The MI300X GPU boasts a performance that eclipses the competition by 1.4 to 1.6 times in the inference market, posing a direct challenge to Nvidia’s hegemony.

Despite the competition, Nvidia continues to lead the AI market. Its data center business witnessed a staggering 427% year-on-year revenue growth in the first quarter. The company achieved dominance by recognizing the AI trend early and becoming a one-stop shop offering chips, software, and access to specialized computers.

Read more: asia.nikkei.com