OpenAI Apologizes to Johansson, Denies Imitating Her Voice for AI Assistant

OpenAI has issued an apology to Scarlett Johansson following the controversy over the voice of its AI assistant, Sky. The company has been accused of imitating Johansson’s voice without her consent. However, OpenAI insists that the voice of Sky is not based on Johansson’s and was never intended to resemble hers.

The voice of Sky was created in collaboration with a professional actress, who used her natural speaking voice for the role. The actress was cast before any outreach to Johansson was made. Despite this, Johansson expressed shock and disbelief at the similarity between her voice and Sky’s. She stated that even her closest friends and news outlets couldn’t tell the difference.

In response to Johansson’s concerns, OpenAI has paused the use of Sky’s voice in its products. The company regrets not communicating better with Johansson and respects her concerns. OpenAI is now taking steps to address the issue and prevent similar situations in the future.

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