Google’s Era of Unrestrained Invention Draws to a Close

Google’s era of unrestrained invention is coming to an end as the tech giant is spinning off many of its ambitious projects into independent startups. This significant shift marks the end of an era for Alphabet’s renowned research lab, X, which was launched 14 years ago for moonshots, otherwise known as million-to-one scientific bets aimed at introducing new technologies and solving the world’s hardest problems.

The decision to spin off these projects is largely due to soaring costs. The projects that were once part of Google’s moonshot factory will now operate as independent entities, marking a new chapter in Google’s approach to innovation.

As these projects transition into independent startups, they will face new challenges and opportunities. They will have more autonomy to make strategic decisions and pursue their goals, but they will also need to navigate the competitive startup landscape and secure funding to sustain their operations.

Read more: Bloomberg