Google Brings Back Classic Web Search Tab, Google AI Search Is Not Ready Yet

Google is reintroducing its classic search, devoid of AI, much to the delight of many users. The new ‘web’ setting for the search engine takes users back to the early days of Google Search, surfacing only a list of text-based links. This means no images, no shopping results, and no AI-generated answers.

The ‘web’ mode has been rolled out globally and is accessible under the ‘More’ option at the top of the results, below the search bar itself. The change has been met with widespread approval on social media, with many users expressing that this is exactly what they want from a search engine.

The decision to revert to a simpler search experience comes in response to the gradual rollout of the AI-powered ‘Search Generative Experience’ (SGE). While SGE uses machine learning to scrape the internet for relevant data and provide an AI-generated response, it has been met with mixed reviews. Many users have found the AI summaries to be repetitive, often incorrect, and not matching their search intent.

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