China Unveils Machine Gun-Equipped Robot Dogs in Military Drill

In a recent military drill, China showcased numerous robot dogs equipped with machine guns. The drill, named “Golden Dragon,” was conducted in a remote training center in central Cambodia and off the country’s coast. It was the country’s biggest-ever drill alongside Cambodian troops.

The robot dogs, armed with machine guns, were part of this massive 15-day military exercise. Journalists present at the drill observed the staff taking the robodogs for a walk, but the machine guns strapped to their backs were reportedly never fired.

This development has sparked a debate about the ethical implications of using armed drones or “killer robots,” especially autonomous ones, in warfare. Despite the concerns, military forces and law enforcement agencies worldwide continue to invest in this technology, arguing that their use could save human lives.

The sight of gun-toting robot dogs is not new. Last year, the US Army considered arming remote-controlled robot dogs with state-of-the-art rifles as part of its plan to explore future combat possibilities. A US-based military contractor, Ghost Robotics, has already demonstrated a robot dog equipped with a long-distance rifle.

However, Boston Dynamics, the company behind the popular Spot Mini robot dog, has pledged not to weaponize its robots or support others in doing so.

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