Quantum Computing and Generative AI Cocktail is The New Tech Race

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) has already revolutionized the way we work, study, and consume entertainment. Now, it’s set to receive a significant boost from a radical new form of computing: quantum. Quantum computing could potentially do some really remarkable things with AI, offering exponentially boosted computing power and an enhanced ability to intuitively mimic natural processes.

The US and China are at the forefront of this technological race. In the US, IBM unveiled its latest processor, Heron, which boasts 133 qubits, and another chip, Condor, with 1,121 superconducting qubits. These advances mean that quantum is now being used as a tool, marking the entry into what IBM Quantum’s vice-president calls ‘quantum utility’.

On the other hand, China’s top quantum expert, Prof. Pan Jianwei, has developed a Jiuzhang quantum computer that can perform certain kinds of AI-related calculations some 180 million times faster than the world’s top supercomputer. This development is a clear indication of the intense competition in the field of quantum computing and AI.

The Biden Administration’s proposed 2024 budget includes $25 billion for “emerging technologies” including AI and quantum, further fueling the tech race. The outcome of this race will have far-reaching implications for the future of the global economy and the balance of power in the tech industry.

Read more: time.com