Texting Styles Reveal Generational Divides, Says Tech Influencer Decoding Communication Habits

In the digital age, the way you text could be a telltale sign of your generation. Tech influencer Tyler Morgan has sparked a conversation with his TikTok video, which has garnered over 2.7 million views. He claims that he can determine whether someone belongs to the Boomer, Millennial, or Gen Z generation based on their texting style.

According to Morgan, Millennials, born roughly between 1981 and 1996, are most likely to use the swipe-to-text feature. This method involves swiping across the letters on the keyboard instead of individually tapping them.

On the other hand, Gen Z individuals, those born between 1997 and 2012, are likely to type quickly and accurately using just one hand. This one-thumb typing style is a hallmark of the younger generation’s adeptness at digital communication.

Interestingly, the two-thumb typing style is common among both Millennials and Gen Z. Morgan suggests that people continue to use this thumb-tapping method until their 50s, which is the threshold for most Gen Xers, born from 1965 to 1980. After this age, people tend to start typing with a thumb and index finger.

As for the Baby Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, they typically hold their phones with one hand and type using only their index finger. Morgan humorously refers to this as the “one-finger tap” method and suggests that it’s a sign of advancing age.

Morgan also mentions an unconventional typing method where people hold their device horizontally. This method doesn’t seem to be characteristic of any particular age group, but Morgan finds it impressive nonetheless.

The generational gap in typing techniques could be attributed to the evolution of texting technology over time. The introduction of phones with full keyboards, like the Nokia 9000i Communicator in 1997, and the Blackberry in 1999, could explain the one-finger and finger-thumb typing habits popular among older users.

Morgan’s video has sparked a lively discussion, with many viewers sharing their own texting methods in the comments. Some viewers have noted that their typing style depends on various factors such as their current activity, how they’re holding their phone, and their hand size.

In conclusion, the way we text can reveal more about us than we might think. It’s a fascinating glimpse into how technology and generational differences intertwine. So, the next time you’re texting, take a moment to notice how you’re typing. You might just discover something new about yourself!

Read more: nypost.com