Apple’s Hardware Chief John Ternus Emerges as Top Contender to Succeed Tim Cook

Apple Inc. is reportedly considering John Ternus as the most likely successor to its current CEO, Tim Cook. Ternus, who is currently Apple’s Senior Vice President of Hardware Engineering, has been gaining visibility within the company over the past few years.

Ternus is well-respected within Apple and has received praise from Tim Cook, Eddy Cue, and many others. He is known for his ability to deliver good presentations, his mild-mannered nature, and his cautious decision-making style. These traits have earned him comparisons to Cook. Christopher Stringer, a former top Apple hardware designer, referred to Ternus as a “trustworthy hand” who has never failed in any role he’s been elevated to.

Eddy Cue, a close confidant of Cook, has privately told colleagues that Ternus should be the next CEO. Ternus is 49 years old, making him more likely than other members of the executive team to stick around for a long time.

While there’s no reason to assume that a change at the helm is imminent, Cook, who has been Apple’s CEO since 2011 and turns 64 this year, is believed to remain as Apple’s CEO for at least another three years. If Cook were to step down soon, Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams, who is only two years Cook’s junior, would almost certainly take the reins as CEO. However, insiders believe it’s now unlikely he’ll be the new long-term chief.

Other executives such as Craig Federighi and Deirdre O’Brien are considered “unlikely successors” to Cook, despite being well-liked. Phil Schiller and hardware chief Dan Riccio are reportedly nearing the end of their tenures at Apple.

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