Warren Buffett’s AI Doppelganger Sends Shockwaves Through the Finance World

Warren Buffett recently had an unnerving encounter with an AI deepfake of himself. The experience left him both impressed and terrified. The deepfake was so convincing that Buffett jokingly remarked he would send money to his AI doppelganger in some far-off country.

During a shareholder meeting, Buffett admitted that while he couldn’t explain how the deepfake was created, he was certain that this technology is set to become the growth industry of all time. This statement comes from a man who has seen countless industries rise and fall, underscoring the potential impact of AI and deepfake technology.

Buffett likened the advent of AI to the development of nuclear weapons, stating that we let a genie out of the bottle with nuclear weapons, and that genie has been doing some terrible things lately. He expressed similar concerns about AI, stating that it’s part of the way out of the bottle and its importance is enormous. He added that we may wish we’d never seen that genie.

The deepfake that Buffett encountered isn’t the first of its kind. There have been reports of videos spoofing his likeness. One such video showed the finance mogul promoting cryptocurrency on Fox News, a stance he has publicly opposed on numerous occasions. The video was later confirmed to be a fake by representatives for both Buffett and Fox News.

Read more: futurism.com