Supercomputer Forecasts Human Extinction in 250 Million Years

A supercomputer simulation has predicted the potential end of humanity, and it’s not as far off as we might hope. The simulation, which took into account various factors such as Earth’s ongoing climate, ocean chemistry, state of the tectonic plates, and biology, suggests that humanity could cease to exist in as little as 250 million years if the current rate of climate change continues.

The simulation predicts that within this timeframe, the Earth’s atmosphere will be so saturated with CO2 that, combined with the heat of the Sun, the planet will no longer be able to sustain many forms of life, including humans. This grim future is characterized by a climate where it becomes almost impossible to grow food, and the planet becomes devoid of water and food sources for mammals, pushing us all towards extinction.

The simulation also suggests that we could see widespread temperatures between 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, roughly 104 – 122 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures would be further exacerbated by high levels of humidity, making Earth even more uninhabitable.

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