Seven iPhone Tips from an Ex-Apple Employee

The iPhone, known for its intuitive interface, has a few features that can enhance user experience. These tips, shared by a former Apple employee, can help users optimize their iPhone usage.

  1. Siri Reads Web Articles: If you’re a fan of audiobooks or short on time, Siri can read web articles for you. Just say, “Hey Siri, read the article,” and Siri will start reading the article aloud. You can even use another app without interrupting Siri.
  2. Multiple Timers: Apple has recently introduced the ability to create multiple timers at once on the iPhone. This feature addresses a long-standing issue for Apple users.
  3. Handwritten Notes in Messages: If you turn your iPhone horizontally while typing a message, an icon appears in the lower-right corner. This icon allows you to write a handwritten note instead of a typed message.
  4. Quick Power On: To turn your iPhone on, just press and hold the power button for a second. There’s no need to wait for the Apple logo to appear.
  5. Delete Unused Apps: Over time, downloading too many apps could slow down your iPhone. To prevent this, delete unused apps. Go to General in the Settings app, then iPhone Storage. Here, you can see the size of your apps and the last time you used them.
  6. Erase Duplicate Photos: One of the best ways to quickly free up storage space on your iPhone is to erase duplicate photos. In your Photos app, tap on Albums, scroll down, and select Duplicates. You can merge or delete all of your duplicated photos with ease.
  7. Voice Recording During Screen Recording: This hack is especially useful if you often help people out using the screen recording feature. You can record your voice while screen recording to provide step-by-step instructions.

These tips not only enhance the iPhone experience but also optimize resource usage, leading to better device performance. So, the next time you use your iPhone, remember these tips to make the most out of your device.

Read more: bgr