Japan’s PM Fumio Kishida Proposes International Framework for Generative AI Regulation

In a move towards global governance of artificial intelligence (AI), Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has unveiled an international framework for the regulation and use of generative AI. The announcement was made during a speech at the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Generative AI, a rapidly advancing technology, has the potential to be a vital tool to further enrich the world. However, it also poses risks such as the spread of disinformation. Addressing these concerns, Kishida emphasized the need to confront the dark side of AI.

The proposed framework is an extension of Japan’s efforts when it chaired the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations last year. It initiated the Hiroshima AI process to establish international guiding principles and a code of conduct for AI developers. This voluntary framework, known as the Hiroshima AI Process Friends Group, has been signed up by 49 countries and regions.

The group aims to implement principles and a code of conduct to address the risks of generative AI. It also seeks to promote cooperation to ensure that people worldwide can benefit from the use of safe, secure, and trustworthy AI.

The announcement comes at a time when nations worldwide, including the European Union, the United States, and China, are racing to draw up regulations and oversight for AI. Global bodies such as the United Nations are also grappling with how to supervise this technology.

Read more at: apnews.com