Sam Altman Envisions AI as Super Competent Colleagues

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, envisions a future where artificial intelligence (AI) tools become more integrated into our daily lives than smartphones. He describes the ultimate AI application as a super competent colleague that knows everything about your life, every email, and every conversation you’ve ever had. This AI wouldn’t just feel like an extension of you but would be capable of instantly completing some tasks and attempting more complex ones, only returning to you with questions if necessary.

This vision is a significant leap from OpenAI’s current offerings, which include applications like DALL-E, Sora, and ChatGPT. While these tools have impressed us with their ability to generate convincing text and surreal videos and images, they are mostly used for isolated tasks and have limited capacity to learn about us from our conversations. Altman’s new paradigm sees AI helping us outside the chat interface and taking real-world tasks off our plates.

When asked about the future of AI hardware, Altman suggested that we might not necessarily need a new piece of hardware. The type of app he envisions could exist in the cloud. However, he also added that even if this AI paradigm shift doesn’t require consumers to buy new hardware, they might be happy to have a new device. Despite his interest in AI hardware devices, Altman implied that he might not be best suited to take on the challenge himself.

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