Checking RAM and its speed in your PC

To check the amount and speed of RAM in your PC, you can use the Task Manager on Windows. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open it, select the Performance tab, and choose Memory in the left pane. The total amount of RAM you have installed is displayed here. The Task Manager also tells you the standard it’s using, the speed, its form factor, and how many of your system’s physical memory slots you’re using.

You can install more RAM if you can open your PC and have some spare slots. For more specific information about your RAM timings, you can use CPU-Z. After launching it, click the Memory tab to see this information. RAM stands for random access memory. This is the physical working memory that your PC uses.

All your open applications, files, and other data are stored here for quick access. RAM is different from your computer’s SSD or hard drive, which are much slower than RAM. When you launch a program or open a file, it’s moved from your system’s storage to its RAM. The more RAM you have, the more you can do at once. If you don’t have enough RAM for your open applications, your system will slow down as Windows has to move data in and out of the page file on your system drive. You might even see a low memory error if there’s not enough RAM. How much RAM you need depends on what you do. You’ll need more RAM for playing the latest PC games, running virtual machines, and editing 4K videos.


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