Cellphone Carriers Collect Data – Here’s What They Know and How to Turn It Off

Cellphone carriers gather a significant amount of data about their users. This includes telecom and broadband providers who can collect information regardless of the apps or websites you use. Recently, T-Mobile introduced a new tracking method called “profiling and automated decisions”. While the company claims it isn’t using the information currently, it could be used later for decisions that could significantly affect you.

All three major US wireless providers, including AT&T, collect data. AT&T has four main privacy toggles: Personalized Plus, Personalized, Identity Verification, and Product Development. Each toggle allows different levels of data collection and usage, from web browsing and precise location data to identity verification and fraud prevention.

The article also mentions that some data collection might be beneficial, particularly identity verification. However, it’s important to understand what data is being collected and how to adjust your settings if you’re uncomfortable with it. The article provides guidance on how to do this for each carrier.


Read more at: www.cnet.com