FCC Votes to Restore Net Neutrality Rules, Treating Broadband as Utility

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to restore net neutrality rules that were rescinded under former President Donald Trump. The five-person committee passed the resolution 3-2 along party lines. The vote reinstates protections established in 2015 that treat broadband as a utility, like water or telephones, instead of as an information service. This means all internet traffic must be treated equally. Your internet service provider won’t be able to do things like slow down or speed up your favorite websites based on whether those sites pay extra money to prioritize their traffic. FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said at Thursday’s commission meeting that this is good for consumers, good for public safety, and good for national security. The new proposal labels broadband as an essential service, like water, power, and phone services, by designating it a common carrier under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.


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