North Korea Evades Sanctions by Animating Shows for Max and Amazon

This discovery was made by cybersecurity researcher and DPRK blogger Nick Roy, who found indications of North Korean involvement in developing international television shows on a misconfigured cloud server traced to a North Korean IP address. Among the files found were animation cells, videos, and notes discussing ongoing projects, some of which bore a striking resemblance to an Amazon Prime Video superhero series and an upcoming Max children’s anime.

The country’s Internet realm is minute, with only 1,024 IP addresses and approximately 30 websites accessible to the global network. However, a limited internal intranet caters to a select few thousand of the country’s 26 million inhabitants, who can access the Internet for an hour at a time under constant supervision. The exposed cloud server, which Roy observed being updated daily, likely facilitated the transmission of work to and from North Korean animators.


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