US Senate Nears Agreement on FISA Reauthorization Amid Ongoing Privacy Debates

The US Senate is close to reaching an agreement on the reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), despite ongoing debates about privacy concerns. The legislation, which includes Section 702, allows the government to collect massive amounts of internet and cell phone data on foreign targets. However, hundreds of thousands of Americans’ data is incidentally collected during this process and accessed each year without a warrant.

The Senate struggled to agree on a package of amendments to the controversial surveillance tool, which faces a midnight lapse. Votes are not yet scheduled but are expected soon. If the legislation is passed, it will head to President Joe Biden for his signature after a prolonged congressional battle over access to Americans’ information.

The reauthorization of Section 702 has already passed the House. The Senate voted just after midnight to pass the bill, with 60 votes in favor out of 94.


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