Apple’s Aggressive Expansion in India is A Strategic Move for Growth and Diversification

Apple has been making aggressive moves to expand its operations in India, both in terms of manufacturing and sales. The tech giant opened its first physical stores in the country last year, and India is rapidly growing into one of Apple’s largest markets.

Apple now reportedly manufactures around 14% of its iPhones in India, highlighting its efforts to boost manufacturing in the country. The company’s CEO, Tim Cook, has expressed his belief that India is at a tipping point, with a growing middle class willing to spend more on high-end phones. This demographic shift is one of the reasons why Apple is expanding its operations in India.

However, it’s not just about sales for Apple. The company has also increased its manufacturing footprint in India through Foxconn, the Taiwanese firm that assembles iPhones. This move is part of Apple’s strategy to reduce its reliance on China, especially in light of the disruptions caused by COVID-19 prevention measures and worker unrest at Foxconn’s iPhone plant in Zhengzhou, China.

Apple’s expansion in India is seen by many investors as an attempt to replicate its success in China. However, whether India can become the next China for Apple remains to be seen. The company’s future strategies and their impact on its market position will be closely watched in the coming months.


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