Android 15 to Introduce Storage Health Feature for Better Device Diagnostics

Android 15 is set to introduce a new feature that will provide users with a better understanding of the health of their phone’s storage chip. This feature is powered by a new API that returns the remaining lifetime of the internal storage device as a percentage. For instance, a reading of 80 would mean that only 80% of the chip’s expected lifespan remains.

Flash storage, while more reliable than other types of storage, is not completely failproof. Factors such as high temperatures, which can accelerate flash chip degradation, are a concern on smartphones. Therefore, monitoring the lifespan of a smartphone’s flash chip is more important than, say, an SSD in a computer.

The remaining lifespan of an Android phone will be most accurate on Pixel phones, which report a percentage down to one percent accuracy. However, other Android phones merely provide percentages at 10% intervals. Some Android devices will lack the reporting functionality entirely and will be unable to show the percent of a phone chip’s usable lifetime remaining.

This feature is intended to be displayed to users rather than for internal use. More details about this feature will be revealed in future Android 15 releases.


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