Mark Zuckerberg Discusses Meta’s AI Vision and Llama 3 on Dwarkesh Patel’s Podcast

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, recently appeared on a podcast hosted by Dwarkesh Patel. During the interview, Zuckerberg discussed the features of Llama 3, Meta’s latest large language model, and the company’s vision for the future.

Zuckerberg revealed that Meta is looking forward to bringing ‘multimodality, multi-linguality, and bigger context windows’ to its AI models. Along with early versions of Meta’s latest LLM, Llama 3, the company also released an image generator that updates pictures in real time while a user types prompts. This is seen as Meta’s bid to catch up on the generative AI market which is currently dominated by OpenAI.

The first models of Llama 3 have been released in two sizes, 8B and 70B parameters, and have been integrated into MetaAI, the company’s Artificial Intelligence Assistant. Meta AI aims to soar Meta is currently pitching its virtual assistant as the sophisticated AI that is ahead of its peers in areas like reasoning, coding, and creative writing, rivaling models owned by Google, and even French AI startup Mistral AI.

Zuckerberg told Patel that people are going to see a new version of Meta AI, Llama-3. He said that the models are released as open-source for the dev community and will also be powering Meta AI. “We think now that Meta AI is the most intelligent, freely-available AI assistant that people can use. We’re also integrating Google and Bing for real-time knowledge,” he said.


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