Optimize Heating Costs by Setting Thermostat at Right Temperature, Potentially Saving up to 10% Annually

As temperatures fall, it’s important not to let your heating bill blow up your budget. One action you can take is to set your thermostat to the correct temperature. According to the US Department of Energy, it’s best to keep your thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit for most of the day during the winter season. For maximum efficiency, you should also designate eight hours per day during which you turn the temperature down by between 7 and 10 degrees. This routine could potentially reduce your yearly energy costs by up to 10%. Depending on your schedule and comfort preferences, you can decide whether you’d prefer to keep your home cooler during the day or at night. Some people prefer turning the heat down at night when they can cozy up under blankets and won’t notice the colder conditions. Plus, sleeping in chillier temperatures may be linked with getting more restful sleep. For others, it might make more sense to turn the thermostat down during the daytime when they’re at work.

In the summer, the best technique for staying cool yet minimizing utility costs is to keep your home warmer than usual when no one is home and then set the temperature as high as comfortably possible when home. Energy Star, a program of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy, suggested that homes be kept at 78 degrees Fahrenheit when home during the day.


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