X Charging New Users a Small Fee to Curb Bot Activity

X is reportedly considering charging all new users a small fee before they can post, like, and reply. This move is part of a new program called “Not a Bot”, which aims to reduce spam, manipulation of the platform, and bot activity.

Last October, X/Twitter started charging a $1 annual fee to new accounts before they could post on the platform, but only in New Zealand and the Philippines. Now, it appears that this program is expanding to all markets. The fee for the New Zealand and the Philippines test was set to $1, which amounted to $1.43 NZD in New Zealand and 42.51 PHP in the Philippines.

X owner Elon Musk seemingly confirmed the news in a tweet. “Unfortunately, a small fee for new user write access is the only way to curb the relentless onslaught of bots. Current AI (and troll farms) can pass “are you a bot” with ease,” he wrote. “The onslaught of fake accounts also uses up the available namespace, so many good handles are taken as a result,” he added in a subsequent tweet.

It’s unclear how big the fee will be and when the new scheme will come into effect.


Read more at: mashable.com