YouTube’s New Desktop Design Faces Backlash from Users

YouTube has recently rolled out a new design for its desktop interface, and it has been met with significant backlash from users. The new layout is a drastic departure from the previous one, with a focus on content engagement over community interaction.

The most noticeable change is the shift of the video title, uploader information, and comments to a small right-aligned column, while video recommendations have been given prominence. This has resulted in a cramped design, with much of the screen space on the sides being wasted. Even features focused on accessibility, such as video transcripts and descriptions, are now squeezed into this narrow space.

The new design also includes increased embedded ad placements and a tall, small-font comment section on the right side of the page. This has led to a situation where users can read and engage with the comments while watching the video without scrolling down and hiding the video player. However, many users have found this change to be jarring and too dense.

Critics argue that this new layout prioritizes content engagement and user retention over community interactions through the comments. This represents a significant ideological shift at YouTube, which has traditionally been a platform that encouraged community interaction.

Despite the overwhelmingly negative feedback, YouTube has stated that the new layout is a limited test aimed at making reading comments easier while watching videos on desktop. However, given the strong reaction from users, it remains to be seen whether YouTube will reconsider this design.


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