Microsoft Tests Adding More Ads to Windows 11 Start Menu

Microsoft, the tech giant behind the Windows operating system, is reportedly testing a new feature that would introduce more ads into the Windows 11 Start Menu. This move has sparked a debate among users and industry watchers alike, as it raises questions about user experience and the commercialization of software.

The new feature, referred to as “app promotions”, is being tested in an upcoming build of Windows 11. These promotions are expected to appear in the Recommended section of the Start Menu, which currently displays recently installed or frequently used applications, as well as tips and shortcuts. The promoted apps will be clearly labeled with a “Promoted” tag to distinguish them from regular content.

The introduction of app promotions is seen as a way for Microsoft to encourage users to download more applications. However, it has also raised concerns among users who feel that the Start Menu, a core tool for using Windows, should remain free of commercial content. This is especially pertinent given that Windows 11 is a paid product, and users may not expect to see ads in software they have paid for.

Critics argue that the inclusion of ads could disrupt the user experience and lead to confusion. For instance, users might inadvertently click on a promoted app, thinking it’s a program already installed on their system, and end up installing an application instead.

Despite the controversy, it’s worth noting that the feature is optional and users can opt out of seeing app promotions in the Personalization section of Settings. However, the fact that users have to take extra steps to avoid seeing ads has added fuel to the debate.


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