Gen Z’s Aspiration for Influencer Careers Amidst AI Competition

Generation Z, the demographic cohort following the millennials, is showing a strong inclination towards becoming influencers. A recent poll by Morning Consult found that more than half of GenZers aspire to be full-time influencers. The appeal is understandable as they’ve grown up watching their peers gain fame and fortune through platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

However, the influencer industry is becoming increasingly competitive. A decade ago, many influencers stumbled into fame; they were just regular people sharing about their lives or showcasing a niche skill when they suddenly found themselves with a huge audience and brands desperate to work with them. But now, the influencer economy has shifted. Casual posting no longer guarantees a lucrative career, and the competition gets tougher each day as more people vie for fame.

Adding to the complexity, influencer wannabes aren’t competing only with humans — they’re soon going to be competing with artificial intelligence. Advancements in AI tech have given birth to an industry of AI influencers, and major companies are beginning to show interest in their far more cost-effective approach to marketing.

The influencer market is thoroughly saturated, with only 800,000 accounts having over 100,000 followers out of Instagram’s some 2 billion monthly active users. That’s less than 1% of accounts — but still a lot of accounts. And the number is growing.

In a crowded field, standing out takes work. The industry is getting more competitive and flooded with AI. This shift in the influencer landscape is a reminder for Gen Z and other aspiring influencers to be innovative and adaptable in their strategies. It also underscores the importance of authenticity and unique value proposition in building a successful influencer career.


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