DuckDuckGo Launches Privacy Pro to Prevent Data Brokers from Accessing Personal Info

DuckDuckGo, the internet browser known for its focus on privacy, has launched a new set of tools called Privacy Pro. This suite of tools aims to ensure that online data brokers cannot access your personal information.

Privacy Pro combines three key features: an anonymous VPN, a personal information removal service, and an identity theft restoration service. The VPN secures up to five devices at a time. The personal information removal service finds and removes your details from data broker sites. The identity theft restoration service provides you with a dedicated advisor to help restore accounts, recover losses, and correct your credit report should your information be compromised.

What sets DuckDuckGo’s services apart is that the user doesn’t have to submit any information to use them. All information is stored encrypted on a local device, not on a server. Removal requests are initiated directly from your device and sites are scanned regularly to make sure your information doesn’t reappear.

The VPN does not keep logs of activity, meaning it has no way to tie what happens on DuckDuckGo to any individual. For the personal information removal service, your info is stored on your device, not on a server. Identity theft restoration only begins should you encounter a problem.

Users can subscribe to Privacy Pro for $9.99 a month or $99.99 a year. It’s only available to US customers at the moment, but other regions will be added in the future. This is the first time the company has charged for a product.


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