Apple’s Safari and WebKit Achieve Significant Performance Leap

Apple’s WebKit team has recently announced a significant performance boost in Safari and WebKit. The team has successfully improved Safari’s Speedometer 3.0 score by approximately 60% between the release of Safari 17.0 in September and Safari 17.4’s release in March.

The improvements were achieved through a series of optimizations over several months. Even though individual progressions were often less than 1%, they all stacked up together to make a big difference. Some of these optimizations also benefited Speedometer 2.1, making Safari 17.4 around 13% faster than Safari 17.0 on Speedometer 2.1.

The introduction of Speedometer 3.0, a browser benchmark tool developed in collaboration between Apple, Google, and Mozilla, was a major step forward in making the web faster for all. It aims to create a shared understanding of web performance so that improvements can be made to enhance the user experience.

The results provided by Speedometer 3 offer more detailed results and introduce an even wider variety of workloads. This allows web developers to build websites and web apps that are more responsive and snappier than ever before.


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