Perplexity AI Review: Blend of AI Chatbot And Search Engine.

A conversational generative AI developed by Aravind Srinivas, a former research scientist at OpenAI, is making waves in the AI industry. Built on GPT-3.5, Perplexity AI stands out due to its connection to the open internet, which allows it to pull information from sites like Reddit and Twitter and link to them. This is a significant advantage over ChatGPT 3.5, which is limited to data collected up to September 2021 and cannot link to sources.

Perplexity AI’s ability to link to source information is particularly useful for shopping recommendations or general research. Users can click on a Reddit link inside Perplexity to see the full conversation thread between users, providing more context. This feature makes Perplexity feel like a blend of an AI chatbot and a search engine.

However, Perplexity AI does have its limitations. It can sometimes hallucinate and give incorrect information, and it struggles to synthesize information for difficult queries.

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