OpenAI’s Sora Used to Create Unique Short Films

OpenAI has given a number of directors, production companies, and creative agencies early access to its Sora text-to-video generator, resulting in a range of astonishing to downright terrifying short films. Toronto-based multimedia production company Shy Kids used Sora to create a whimsical short film about “Air Head,” a man who has a balloon instead of a head. The film showcases Sora’s ability to generate relatively believable and photorealistic video footage in response to a text prompt.

Another short film, “Beyond Our Reality” by digital artist Don Allen III, showcases Sora’s ability to generate videos with horrifying results. The short 90-second clip shows footage of a “Girafflamingo,” an unholy cross between a giraffe and flamingo, as well as a “Whalepus,” a whale with terrifying octopus arms.

While the short films are impressive, there have been some inconsistencies in Sora footage OpenAI has shared, suggesting OpenAI may be overselling the tool’s real-world capabilities by cherry-picking particularly impressive examples. OpenAI is hoping to publicly release Sora later this year, but who will have access and when is still unclear, especially considering just how resource-intensive rendering AI video is.

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