AI Search Engines Still Have a Long Way to Go Before They Can Truly Rival Google’s Versatility

Artificial Intelligence (AI) search engines like Perplexity, Copilot, and are emerging as potential competitors to Google. These AI search tools are improving, but they still have a long way to go before they can truly rival Google.

The AI search engines were tested using the most-Googled queries and questions. In some instances, these AI tools proved to be more useful than a page of Google results. However, in most cases, they fell short of replacing Google.

One of the main challenges for these AI search engines is handling navigational queries, which are simply people typing the name of a website to get to that website. For such queries, AI search engines are universally worse than Google. Google almost always provides the correct first result, making it fast and rarely wrong.

Another challenge is the wide range of tasks that Google is asked to do billions of times a day. While we often talk about Google as a research tool, it is also used for a multitude of other tasks, from finding email inboxes to remembering who was president before a certain period.

In conclusion, while AI search engines are improving and can sometimes provide more useful results than Google, they still have a long way to go before they can truly replace Google at the center of the web.

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