Helldivers 2 CEO Stands Firm on Friendly Fire Mechanic

Helldivers 2, a popular third-person shooter game, has been making waves in the gaming community, particularly for its friendly fire mechanic. Johan Pilestedt, the CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios, the developer behind Helldivers 2, has stated that they will “never” turn off friendly fire. He argues that if they turned off friendly fire, they would have to turn off bullet damage against enemies as well, as it’s part of the game’s core mechanics.

The friendly fire mechanic in Helldivers 2 is a unique feature where players can accidentally harm their teammates during the chaotic battles. This feature adds an extra layer of consequence to the players’ decisions, especially when using heavy weaponry. While some players appreciate this unique mechanic, others have expressed frustration over it.

Despite the mixed reactions from the player base, Pilestedt remains firm on his stance. He believes that the friendly fire mechanic is integral to the game’s identity and removing it would fundamentally change the game’s dynamics. This statement from Pilestedt reaffirms Arrowhead Game Studios’ commitment to their original vision for Helldivers 2, even in the face of player feedback and criticism.

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