Elon Musk says AI could be smarter than all of humanity in 5 years. Meta’s AI Chief Don’t Think So

Meta’s AI lead, Yann LeCun, has challenged Elon Musk’s prediction that AI could outsmart all of humanity by 2029. LeCun argues that if AI were that advanced, we would already have AI systems that could teach themselves to drive a car in 20 hours of practice, like any 17-year-old. He also pointed out that we still don’t have fully autonomous, reliable self-driving cars, despite having millions of hours of labeled training data. LeCun believes that we are missing something conceptually big to get machines to be as intelligent as animals and humans. He also debunked claims of intelligent AI being around the corner, stating that AI models have about as much computing power as a common housecat’s brain, but are not nearly as clever.

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