Is Telegram safe?

Telegram is a popular messaging service with over 104 million users in India alone. It provides a certain level of security as all calls and chats are encrypted to some degree, with end-to-end encryption for calls or Secret Chats between two people. This prevents interception of these communications, even by Telegram. Messages, photos, videos, and other files sent in Secret Chats can be set to “self-destruct” a fixed amount of time after they’ve been seen.However, group conversations do not have end-to-end encryption or self-destruction features. These groups and Channels can be used to spread scams, porn, and misinformation. While Telegram has rules and algorithms to guard against these issues, enforcement is inconsistent. Therefore, users need to be skeptical and report anything problematic.Telegram does collect data such as your username, device info, usage habits, and connecting IP address. Despite being labeled as open-source, this only applies to the client software. On the server side, Telegram uses a proprietary protocol called MTProto for message encryption.

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