Richard Branson and Oppenheimer's grandson urge action to stop AI and climate 'catastrophe'

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and Charles Oppenheimer, grandson of J. Robert Oppenheimer, have signed an open letter calling for action against the escalating dangers of the climate crisis, pandemics, nuclear weapons, and ungoverned AI. The letter urges world leaders to adopt a long-term strategy and show determination to solve problems based on scientific evidence and reason. It calls for urgent multilateral action, including funding the transition away from fossil fuels, signing a fair pandemic treaty, restarting nuclear weapons negotiations, and building the global governance necessary to make AI a force for good. The letter was published by The Elders, a nongovernmental organization founded by Nelson Mandela and Branson, and is also backed by the Future of Life Institute.

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