Apple eyes business as a prime market for the Apple Vision Pro

For years, we’ve been hearing about virtual and augmented reality use cases in business around manufacturing, field service and product design, but for the most part, the notion has failed to take hold in a big way. The question now is whether the Apple Vision Pro (AVP), released last week with much ballyhoo, will move the needle at all when it comes to shifting these kinds of devices into the enterprise mainstream.

While most people use terms like “augmented reality,” “virtual reality” or even “metaverse” (thanks, Meta), Apple prefers to define the genre in its own terms, referring to the Apple Vision Pro as spatial computing or mixed reality. In its typical fashion, Apple is trying to define a new category. Whatever you call it, the company certainly sees the AVP as a business device alongside its more obvious consumer use cases around gaming, media consumption and good old-fashioned web surfing. Certainly it has the potential to transform the online shopping experience.

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