Here's what users wanted to see in future smartphones five years ago

  • Significant improvements have been made to smartphone design and functionality, such as the shift from T9 to QWERTY keyboards and more ergonomic designs.
  •  Five years ago, top desires for smartphone improvements included longer battery life, a headphone jack, better USB-C connectivity, and new foldable phone designs.
  •  While some desires have been met, there is still room for improvement, particularly in battery life and the return of the headphone jack. However, alternative options are emerging in the market to cater to these needs.

Smartphones have come a long way since the days of trackballs and physical keyboards, and despite all the trends that have fallen by the wayside, significant improvements have been made to their design and functionality. For instance, we’ve evolved from using T9 for text messaging to QWERTY keyboards for more streamlined communication. Our phones are now more ergonomic in design to suit our lifestyles as well. All of that being said, there are still some pain points that people would like to see resolved. Five years ago, a conversation on Reddit honed in on some users’ most pressing wants and needs. Now, a look back on the online thread is shedding light on just how far we’ve come — and where there is still room for improvement.

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