I love my GPT, but I can’t find a use for anybody else’s

When OpenAI announced other people could build their own custom versions of ChatGPT-style chatbots, I was initially only interested in a journalistic way. I knew this was an interesting commercial step for OpenAI, but the value of the store is still an open question. Why should I use most GPTs (as the bots are called), when I can usually call up an app that does the same thing? But I can’t deny there’s one incredibly useful bot that’s changed a (small) part of my work life for the better. It’s called “What’s Another Word For,” and I made it myself.

“What’s Another Word For” is a tool to help me find exactly that: another word for terms I overuse. Writing is about 60 percent looking for a synonym to avoid repeating phrases, and it’s not always easy to remember synonyms. Until the start of December, if I needed to use a word like “identify” multiple times in a sentence (which happens more often than you’d think writing about AI systems), I turned to Google. If I didn’t like the options on the results page, I had to click through to a site like Thesaurus.com and go through its list.

Read more at: https://www.theverge.com