Review: Nvidia’s $600 GeForce RTX 4070 Super is one of its best values

Remains pricier than past xx70-tier offerings, but the performance bump is nice.

Judging by the comments on YouTube reviews, you’d think Nvidia’s RTX 4070, launched in April 2023 for $599, was a terrible graphics card. The reaction wasn’t as brutal as it was among commenters and reviewers for the 4060 Ti a month later (a “waste of sand,” declared Gamers Nexus), but you’d usually find praise for its power efficiency but criticism of its price (high for a xx70 card) and its performance improvement relative to the previous generation (only about as fast as an RTX 3080, sometimes less).

Those are all largely valid criticisms. But the 4070 is Nvidia’s most popular RTX 4000-series desktop GPU, at least according to the (admittedly flaky and opaque) Steam Hardware Survey data for December 2023. It’s not in the top 10—this is dominated by older midrange GeForce cards that have been out a lot longer—but it’s doing better than Nvidia’s other 40-series desktop cards and better than every one of AMD’s RX 7000-series cards put together.

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Curated by Arun