Elon Musk has become the world’s biggest hypocrite on free speech | Trevor Timm

The world needs people willing to stand up for freedom of expression – which makes Musk’s trajectory all the sadder

Is there anyone in the world who is a bigger hypocrite on free speech than Elon Musk?

I say this as someone who wishes Elon Musk actually cared about free speech. In my opinion, social media companies censor their users too much. The myriad restrictive rules often end up backfiring on those who push for them. The suspension process is often opaque and arbitrary. Ultimately, a public square filled with frank and free exchange of competing views – one that explicitly tilts in favor of allowing more speech on the edges than it bans – is a good thing.

Read more at: https://www.theguardian.com

Curated by Arun