NAS or dedicated server: Which is better for your home network?

Network-attached storage is growing in popularity, but many people are overlooking dedicated servers, which offer more flexibility and features.

There are so many options for storing data that it can be difficult to decide which is the right choice. Flash drives, memory cards, and hard drives can store more data than ever, and while all of those devices do a great job, there are better options to back up and store large amounts of data. When you need a lot of storage at home, there are two great options: network-attached storage (NAS) or a server.

Both options provide large amounts of storage and connect directly to a network for easy file access. However, choosing between a server or NAS can be confusing for those unfamiliar with the devices. While each option allows for file storage, the two devices have distinct features that allow for different capabilities. Let’s take a close look at what a NAS and a server can each do before diving into which is the best option for your network.

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