“Thousand times brighter than OLED”: How cheap material bound to revolutionize solar panels

Scientists swapped out carbon for perovskite semiconductors to demonstrate the power of a future PeLED technology

The ULTRA-LUX project, led by technology company Imec, has developed a new type of light-emitting diode (LED) – known as perovskite LEDs (PeLED) – that might one day consign OLED displays to history.

Some of the best TVs and the best laptops today use OLED (organic LED) technology in their displays – a technology in which each pixel is its own light source. 

It’s become widely popular in recent years, and the technology is being increasingly adopted by manufacturers for all kinds of devices, but researchers now claim to have usurped this technology with the invention of PeLEDs.

Read more at: https://www.techradar.com/pro/thousand-times-brighter-than-oled-how-cheap-material-bound-to-revolutionize-solar-panels-could-one-day-also-make-your-laptop-display-finally-readable-in-bright-sunlight